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Research Advocate Websites

We provide this list of online resources for research advocate education and training for the benefit of STARS participants. Except where noted, IASLC STARS is not associated with these programs. 
If you know of a resource we should consider listing here, please suggest it using our
contact form

Research Advocacy Network (RAN) Advocate Institute

A STARS Partner. Offers online PRA training courses in various research topics.

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Scientist↔Survivor Program (SSP)

In-person program for advocates at AACR research meetings. Requires application.

Friends of Cancer Research (FoCR) Progress for Patients

Online education program about drug development and regulatory process. Free registration.

Cancer Information & Support Network (CISN)

Web-based training and quizzes about cancer research.

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Resources

Engagement rubric plus information and tools for PRA participation on research teams.

​​​European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI)

Resources to empower PRAs to engage in medicines research and development.

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) Cancer Policy & Advocacy Team (CPAT)

Resources for PRAs to learn about pressing policy issues that affect quality cancer care.

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Research & Advocacy

Information about cancer research and in-person advocate programs at ASCO meetings.

European Medicines Agency (EMA)

Training for patient and consumer representatives participating in EMA activities.

Cochrane Training --Consumer Involvement Resources

Cochrane produces evidence-based, systematic reviews to support health care decisions.


Resources & training on advocacy tools and skills, healthcare systems, policy and access, and research and data.

Canadian Cancer Research Alliance (CCRA)

Summaries of cancer research topics that may be helpful to PRAs.

Thoracic Oncology Group of Australasia (TOGA)

Seminars on topics for clinical researchers (written for clinicians, but educational for PRAs also).

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STARS is a program of the IASLC, a USA 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation (EIN 20-0499338). 


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